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Assisted Living Communities

Finding the right Assisted Living Community for yourself or a loved one is complicated, confusing and time consuming. Nola & Associates recommends Shawn Shambo of Assisted Living Locators to make the process much easier!
Shawn starts by looking at all your considerations (cost, special needs, etc.). He can help with uncovering revenue that will help pay for a community, and even helps with asset protection and retention. He will personally vet facilities and choose only a few of the best community options for your needs. He will tour each facility with you – advocating for you and educating you every step of the way. He can help with your move-in process including downsizing. In the end Shawn follows up with clients regularly; in the end his goal is to be your “Senior Advisor for life”.
The best part: Shawn’s service comes at NO COST to his clients; his revenue is generated by referral fees paid by the Assisted Living Facility.
Shawn has over 30 years of experience as an Occupational Therapist/ Senior Care Specialist and is passionate about working with seniors. He has a “personal project” he calls “Seniors Are Awesome!”. He actively seeks out seniors in the New England area who are going outside of their comfort zone to take life to the next level. He has performed aerial yoga with an 80 year old woman, took two women in their upper 70s to rappel down a 4 story cliff face, gone dancing with seniors and is planning a white water rafting adventure with seniors. His goal is to create a short documentary to prove that age is just a number! We hope to share that video in an upcoming newsletter. Meanwhile, here are some photos to inspire you!
If you or a family member are in need of Shawn’s services please give us a call, or contact Shawn directly and mention that we sent you!

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